For Creators

  1. Start Receiving Tips
  2. Start Receiving Tips – Set up your profile and start getting tips instantly.

  3. Share & Grow
  4. Share & Grow – Share your MyTipMe link across social media and let fans support you.

  5. Secure Payouts
  6. Fast & Secure Payouts – Tips go directly to your Stripe account, and payouts are processed automatically.

For Supporters

  1. Show Love to Your Favorite Creators
  2. Support Your Favorite Creators – Show love with quick, hassle-free tips.

  3. Instant & Secure Tipping
  4. Instant & Secure Tipping – Every tip is processed securely—no sign-up needed for supporters.

  5. Make an Impact
  6. Make an Impact – Your tips help creators keep doing what they do best—creating!